Linhas de Torres – Running Challenge is a running event comprising different competitions and distances with road and trail characteristics. It was first held in 2013 to pay a tribute to all of those that built and armed the defensive system that came to be known as the Lines of Torres Vedras, now a touristic and military Portuguese historical heritage, that played a crucial role in defending the country in the XIX century spanning across the Municipalities of Vila Franca de Xira, Loures, Arruda dos Vinhos, Sobral de Monte Agraço, Torres Vedras and Mafra.

This event involves two long distances and a short one, offering an unique challenge through a history and military rich course: 



If two hundred years ago this important defensive system, consisting of three defensive lines, stretched between the Tagus and the Atlantic for tens of kilometers drawn by Marshal Wellesley (later Duke of Wellington) today, fostering cultural character and also sports, it promotes your visit to what was the largest and most effective defensive system built in its entirety with the participation of the population, anonymous people, in the defense of your country as, so well let us know the different museological and interpretive spaces developed by the Historical Route of the Lines of Torres Association.

These paths were followed by military post offices that make history in this solidarity event in favor of those who fought for Portugal. Challenges with different distances and the dynamics of man and horse in a tribute to the military post offices. 


Each year a beneficiary institution is chosen. They were:

2013 - Associação Portuguesa dos Doentes de Parkinson

2014 - Instituto Português de Cardiologia

2015 e 2017 - Associação Portuguesa do Síndrome de Asperger

2021 a 2023 - Associação dos Deficientes das Forças Armadas


Our mais event takes place on APRIL 9, 2022

Before that, we will be hosting training sessions in select portions of the course. Meanwhile, stay tuned for the conference about the historical framing of Lines of Torres Vedras.